While experienced in print freelancing, I wanted to diversify my services in 2018. The first thing on the list was learning to code HTML and CSS.
Attending the prestigious W3 Schools (and copious YouTube tutorials), I applied my newfound knowledge to a personal freelance portfolio. The portfolio was first hosted using FastComet, but once back in school, I retired the site to GitPages. There, I practiced using GitHub paired with Atom editor to make a few edits and learn techniques.
As a designer I have certain aesthetic standards—and just like to fiddle with things—but I still needed the site to be functional, i.e., display my projects without too much spectacle. A few ideas were sketched out with some research to get a feel for the learning curve of implementing the ideas. Being honest with myself—it would never be done if it got too complex—I picked a handful of CSS animations and image effects. A major focus was learning to use div containers make the page display dynamically on different screen sizes.
There are certainly things I would change about the design in hindsight, but it was great practice with a result that was functional and adequately reflected my style and brand at the time.
Below are samples from the project. Click the image to expand.