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Kuudou Visual Presentation




Recurve archery is a hobby of mine, so this project was an opportunity to explore archery in another culture. In this case, I presented the Japanese martial art of kyuudou.

Typically, a PowerPoint presentation is accompanied by verbal narration, but the challenge was to convey information through visual techniques and minimal text only.

Creating a narrative—a story with a beginning, middle, and end—was the hardest part. It was difficult to organize the slides in a way that told the story I intended without being able to elaborate. On every revisit, the slides felt like they should be in a different order. Ruminating on it more, this may just mean that there are several ways to tell and interpret this story. Individually, the slides were successful in conveying information while being minimalist.

Cultural sensitivity was kept in mind through the sources of images and information, as well as incorporating Japanese kanji characters and their romaji form—as opposed to using an English translation only. In hindsight, I should have included the kanji for the bow parts as well.

Below are samples from the project. Click the image to expand.

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